Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Really cool thing #997... Air Drumming!

Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am

Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies


So I was driving home the other night from work when the 80's Phil Collins classic "In the Air Tonight" comes on the radio. Of course I have to play the air drums at the appropriate spot in the song (see quote above), if you grew up in the eighties, you are genetically wired to do so. It's mandatory. So I keep driving and the next song is something I don't care for, so I switch to the only other station I can stand to listen to in Vernal and what do you know, the song is on again. so in the space of five minutes I got two free, totally spontanious, air drumming sessions.

Really Cool!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

really cool thing #998 - Exploding Eggs

So I had batch of hard to peel eggs (I know, what is this the egg blog?). And I found some helpful tips to make the eggs easier to peel. First use old eggs. Apparently the older the egg is the more developed the air pocket within it becomes. This helps make the egg nice and easy to open once it is cooked.

I also found out that warming the egg slightly in the microwave loosens the shell and make it easier to open. So I tried it out. Guess what? 20 seconds (in my microwave at work) works like a charm. The egg is easier to open, however not perfect. So I decided to try 22 seconds. Guess what? Can you say "Ovian Ordinance?" or "Egg Shelling?" or "it's your turn to clean the microwave Nate!"