Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Really cool thing #991: 24

So this week we said goodbye to Jack Bauer. It had me hooked from the start. I loved that anybody could be killed at any moment (except Jack of course). It really showed commitment to the story and not just to the actors. I also liked that 24 wasn't afraid to take a stand. It didn't try to be super PC all of the time. The writers took a very practical approach to issues of right and wrong. Often Jack had to do the wrong thing for the right reasons.
I will admit it was getting just a teeny bit long in the tooth. On his last "day" Jack was tied to a chair and beat up, crashed his car into a limo, hand-cuffed and hung from a pipe and shocked, stabbed in the gut (by his girlfriend), shot in the chest (he was wearing a bullet-proof vest), blown up (don't worry he jumped clear), in a car crash, watched his girlfriend killed by a sniper, stabbed again in the gut (bad guy), shot in the chest (by his best friend, clean through and through, no worries - but maybe he should be pickier about his friends), tear gassed, and beat up again. And I'm not even sure I got everything in, there might have been another gunshot wound in the arm. Oh, and he tortured a few people and yelled "GIVE ME A NAME!!" (Tiff, that's what my T-shirt will say) in a really gravelly voice. And remember, all this happens in 24 hours.

I'll see you at 24: the movie (or will it be 120 minutes?)